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Creation (2009)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:27 am
by ASN
Creation (2009)Image
Samples (click to enlarge)
DetailsCreation (2009)
GENREBiography, Drama, Romance
DirectorJon Amiel
WriterJohn Collee
ActorsPaul Bettany , Jennifer Connelly , Ian Kelly , Guy Henry , Martha West , Anabolena Rodriguez , Paul Campbell , Zak Davies , Teresa Churcher , Freya Parks , Jim Carter , Christopher Dunkin , Gene Goodman , Harrison Sansostri , Benedict Cumberbatch
PLOTTorn between faith and science, and suffering hallucinations, English naturalist Charles Darwin struggles to complete 'On the Origin of Species' and maintain his relationship with his wife.
More DetailsMPAA Rating : PG-13
Country of Origin: UK
Language: English
More Info : IMDb Link
Subtitles : YIFYsubtitles , OpenSubtitles

What happens when a world-renowned scientist, crushed by the loss of his eldest daughter, formulates a theory in conflict with religious dogma? This is the story of Charles Darwin and his master-work "The Origin of Species". It tells of a global revolution played out within the confines of a small English village; a passionate marriage torn apart by the most dangerous idea in history; and a theory saved from extinction by the logic of a child.

[IMDb Code] : tt0974014 0974014

[Genres] : GenreBiography, GenreDrama, GenreRomance

[Also Known As] : Creation, Criação, Чарлз Дарвин: Сътворение, Creation, Creación, Creation, Création, Au Commencement..., Creation, Δημιουργία, Teremtés, Creation, Creation, Creation - L'evoluzione di Darwin, クリエーション, Darwin: Miłość i ewolucja, Charles Darwin: Originea speciilor, Происхождение, La duda de Darwin, Yaratılış, Creation, Untitled Charles Darwin Project, Origin, Annie's Box, Nature

[Rating Groups] ratedabove6 ratedabove5 ratedabove4 ratedabove3