Good Bye Lenin! (2003)
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Details | Good Bye Lenin! (2003) |
GENRE | Comedy, Drama, Romance |
Director | Wolfgang Becker |
Writer | Bernd Lichtenberg |
Actors | Daniel Bruhl , Katrin Sa , Chulpan Khamatova , Florian Lukas , Maria Simon , Alexander Beyer , Burghart Klauner , Michael Gwisdek , Christine Schorn , Jurgen Holtz , Jochen Stern , Stefan Walz , Eberhard Kirchberg , HansUwe Bauer , Nico Ledermueller |
PLOT | In 1990, to protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a long coma, a young man must keep her from learning that her beloved nation of East Germany as she knew it has disappeared. |
More Details | MPAA Rating : R Country of Origin: Germany Language: German, English, Russian More Info : IMDb Link Subtitles : YIFYsubtitles , OpenSubtitles |
East Germany, the year 1989: A young man protests against the regime. His mother watches the police arresting him and suffers a heart attack and falls into a coma. Some months later, the DDR does not exist anymore and the mother awakes. Since she has to avoid every excitement, the son tries to set up the DDR again for her in their flat. But the world has changed a lot.
[IMDb Code] : tt0301357 0301357
[Genres] : GenreComedy, GenreDrama, GenreRomance
[Also Known As] : Good Bye Lenin!, Good Bye Lenin!, Adeus, Lenin!, Сбогом, Ленин!, Au revoir Lénine!, Good Bye Lenin!, Adiós, Lenin!, Zbogom Lenjinu, Goodbye Lenin!, Goodbye, Lenin!, Good Bye Lenin!, Good Bye Lenin!, 79 qm DDR, Good Bye Lenin!, Goodbye, Lenin!, Antio Lenin, Αντίο Λένιν, Good bye, Lenin!, Good Bye Lenin!, Good Bye Lenin!, グッバイ、レーニン!, Sudie, Leninai!, Adiós a Lenin, Adeus, Lenine!, Adio, Lenin!, Гудбай, Ленин!, Zbogom Lenjinu, Zbogom, Lenin!, Good bye, Lenin!, 再見列寧!, Elveda Lenin!, Ґудбай, Леніне!, Good Bye Lenin!, Good Bye Lenin!, ¡Adiós a Lenin!, Goodbye Lenin!
[Rating Groups] ratedabove7 ratedabove6 ratedabove5 ratedabove4 ratedabove3