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Redacted (2007)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:41 pm
by ASN
Redacted (2007)Image
Samples (click to enlarge)
DetailsRedacted (2007)
GENRECrime, Thriller, War
DirectorBrian De Palma
WriterBrian De Palma
ActorsPatrick Carroll , Rob Devaney , Izzy Diaz , Ty Jones , Anas Wellman , Mike Figueroa , Yanal Kassay , Dhiaa Khalil , Kel ONeill , Daniel Stewart Sherman , Qazi Freihat , Adel Odai , Helen Zamel , Hiyam Abdel Karim , Issam Shamary
PLOTThe devastating reconstruction of the rape and murder of a 15-year-old Iraqi girl by American soldiers in Samarra in 2006.
More DetailsMPAA Rating : R
Country of Origin: USA, Canada
Language: English, French, Arabic, German
More Info : IMDb Link
Subtitles : YIFYsubtitles , OpenSubtitles

A montage of stories about U.S. soldiers fighting in the Iraq conflict, focusing on the modern forms of media covering the war.

[IMDb Code] : tt0937237 0937237

[Genres] : GenreCrime, GenreThriller, GenreWar

[Also Known As] : Redacted, Samarra, Redacted, Guerra Sem Cortes, Без цензура, Redacted, revu et corrigé, Redacted, Redacted, Redacted - Die Wahrheit stirbt zuerst, En psyhro, Εν Ψυχρώ, Cenzúrázatlanul: Háború másképp, Metzunzar, Redacted, リダクテッド 真実の価値, Na gorąco, Censurado, Без цензуры, Redacted, Örtülü gerçek, Redacted, Redacted

[Rating Groups] ratedabove6 ratedabove5 ratedabove4 ratedabove3