Mighty Flash (2021)ItalianPlotIn late September 1975, a renowned Catholic school in Rome for sheltered, upper-middle-class boys is attacked in what became known as the Circeo Massacre. The film examines what triggered the violence. RATING 5.7 3k Votes GENREDrama STARSBenedetta Porcaroli, Giulio Pranno, Emanuele Maria Di Stefano
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Last by ASN 17 Sep
Nightbird (2023)TagalogPlotIn a party arranged by friends, Rachel meets four men. The night full of booze and drugs turns chaotic when the men sexually assault Rachel and her friends. Rachel vows to seek vengeance no matter what it takes. RATING 5.2 200 Votes GENREThriller STARSChristine Bermas, Mark Anthony Fernandez, Sid Lucero